About Me

Hi, I’m Anna! I call myself “The Herbology Faerie” because I love the magical, cozy world of plants.

I came to herbalism for what I call “hygge” reasons: as a creative outlet, a hobby, a connection to the old ways, a source of self-care, a form of nature therapy, a meaningful connection to the Earth, and, frankly, a way to capture a spark of happiness and magic in these trying times. I hope to inspire you here and share some of the things I’ve learned and ideas I’ve developed to help you on your path, whatever it may be.

I live in the midwestern U.S., and I am a wife and a mother of three young children. When I’m not puttering around mixing herbs, sipping tea, taking herbalism courses, or playing barefoot outdoors with my wildlings, you’ll often find me reading, crafting, or baking. I have spent time as a teacher and a librarian, and I am currently a freelance editor and writer. I dream of my family one day living on a big piece of land where I can garden and galivant outdoors to my heart’s content.